Private label social media managing is a great way to add value to your content marketing strategy. You get access to the platform and tools major brands use while saving money and having more control over your online presence. It not only gives you access to different marketing channels but also gives you may have tried before. But with so many companies offering this service, how do you know who to trust?
This blog post will discuss some pros and cons of white-label social media management so you can decide whether it’s right for your business!
What is White Label Social Media Management?
White-label social media management is a service that allows a company to outsource its social media management to a third party. The company gives the third party access to their social media accounts, and the third party manages them on behalf of the company.
For example, if you are a business owner and want your company’s page on Facebook or Instagram managed by an agency but don’t want their name associated with it, white-label SMM may be right for you.
Advantages of White Label Social Media Management
- Cost-effective: Private-label social media management is an affordable option for small businesses that don’t have the budget to hire a dedicated social media manager. With this social media management, you’ll be paying your monthly platform fee and a little extra for custom-branded pages on each platform you manage.
- Easy to use: The interface will be familiar to you because it’s already set up in the same way as your client’s other channels, making it easier for them to get started with their account.
- Access to all tools: You’ll also have access to the same tools and analytics as your client, so you can see what’s working for them and make recommendations based on those results. You’ll be able to see when they’ve added new content or scheduled posts, making it easy for you to keep up with their schedule.
- Faster results: You’ll be able to move quickly on your campaigns, as you have access to all the same tools and analytics your client has. Your clients don’t have to wait for changes or updates because they’re already implemented in their accounts.
- Flexibility: You’ll be able to work with your clients while they’re on vacation or travelling and still make progress on the campaign. They can be sitting in front of their computer all day for you to make updates or changes based on what’s working (or not).
Disadvantages of White-Label Social Media Management
- You have to pay for it: Although the initial costs of white-label social media management are lower than hiring an employee, those costs add up. You’ll have to pay for the software, hosting and other services your client uses. If you don’t have a budget, there may be better choices.
- Lack of control: You give up control of your brand. When outsourcing social media management, clients and agencies need to understand that to get the best results from their business; they might have to give up some control over how their account is managed. If a company wants to avoid this level of sacrifice or trust, they should consider hiring an in-house employee or keeping things internal with their current team members (which can also cause other issues).
- Results may be better than expected: Sometimes white-label content management services can deliver great results; however, sometimes they deliver poor results too (this depends on who does your white-label scheme and how much experience they have working for other companies). In addition, the quality will vary depending on what kind of knowledge base behind each worker who manages accounts under one brand umbrella (i.e., if all employees are junior-level types, then expect less than optimal results from them).
Hence, if you choose a white-label social media management service, there are plenty of advantages. You don’t have to worry about hiring and training new employees and keeping them up-to-date on the latest industry trends. It can save you both time and money when it comes to managing your company’s online presence. On top of that, private label management services often offer more affordable rates than hiring an in-house team—and sometimes even cheaper rates than hiring freelancers! On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages. As I mentioned earlier, you won’t be able to have direct access to your company’s social media profiles. And if you want a service that offers personalised customer support, this might not be the right option.