If you’re thinking about becoming an electrician or entering a related technical field, an apprenticeship can really power up your employment potential. Enrolling in an online electrician course can put you ahead of the game, allowing you to get plugged into the skills you need before you start your on-the-job training.
Keep Your Skills Current
Taking an online electrician course can help you brush up on some basic skills ahead of time so you can hit the ground running when you start your hands-on training. A solid background in reading and math is essential for success on the job. Consider fine-tuning these skill sets:
Make the numbers count. Electricians take precise measurements, so having a good grasp of fractions and decimals is key. If it’s been a while since high school geometry, take some time to review those mathematical formulas, such as how to find the area of a rectangle or circle or calculate the length of one of the sides of a triangle. Even if algebra wasn’t your favorite subject, it’s important to know the correct order of operations and how to find a missing variable. Remember all those textbook equations that asked you to solve for x? You probably wondered, “When will I ever use this again?” The electrical field is one real-world application for all that high school math. An online electrician course can help you keep those skills current.
Charge up your reading skills. Succeeding as an electrician requires a considerable amount of technical reading, especially when it comes to understanding the National Electrical Code, which is the industry gold standard. Online electrician school at Ashworth College aligns with the NEC, so you’ll already be familiar with the code when you begin your apprenticeship, which can help you stand out from the crowd.
Check Your State Requirements
Certain states, such as Texas and California, require aspiring electricians to register before they begin work as apprentices. Usually, this just involves filling out a form and paying a small fee. Check with your state department of licensing, labor, or consumer affairs to see what you need to do to be eligible to begin your worksite training.
Online electrician training at Ashworth College can help you get wired for apprenticeship success. Contact us for more info or enroll today.